Darshan2Divinity (D2D) – Membership Registration (Step – 1)
Darshan2Divinity (D2D) Inc., has two membership categories:
a) Full Membership
b) Volunteer work Membership
As a full member, one is expected to learn D2D Bhagavad Gita course and participate in all D2D activities.
As a volunteer work member, one is expected to help and participate in whatever volunteer activities that interest them. The expectation is that one participates in at least 5 volunteer work events per year.
As a part of D2D membership, one will receive a D2D T-shirt and cap. To account for cost involved, a small membership fee of $100 (USD 100) is collected. This fee is waived for students who are unable to afford.
Please fill the following form to register as a D2D Member.
Note: All fields denoted with * are required fields.