Darshan2Divinity (D2D) – Atma Dhyan


What is Atma Dhyan?

Atma” or “Atman” in Sanskrit means the soul or the real-self and “Dhyan” means meditation. “Atma Dhyan” helps one to realize the Atman within through meditation.

Why do we do Atma Dhyan?

Atma Dhyan helps us to relax and energize ourselves. We will feel connected with Divinity and our spiritual energy will increase. Doing Atma Dhyan regularly is very important for the spiritual growth of the self. Like how sleep provides rest and energizes the body, Atma Dhyan provides rest, clarity and focus to mind.

How do we practice Atma Dhyan?

We practice Full moon meditation and Pradosham meditation each once a month on the full moon day and Pradosham day (typically 13th day after full moon) respectively. The Full moon and Pradosham days are very auspicious days and conducive for meditation. Interested seekers who would like to meditate can follow the instructions provided in the video recording.

The following links give more information about each of these meditations.

D2D Full Moon Meditation

D2D Pradosham Meditation

D2D Sashti Meditation

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