Darshan2Divinity (D2D) – Atma Parinam

What is Atma Parinam?

Atman is the real-self; Parinam means change in Sanskrit (an ancient Indian language). We at Darshan2Divinity believe that a change takes place in a person by knowing the real-self, which is the Atman. We teach knowledge through various courses to bring that transformation in a person.

What courses do we offer? Why?

We offer various levels in our “Basic courses”, namely, Breathing, Meditation, Grounding and Healing.  The techniques taught in these courses when practiced regularly will help us to be calm and grounded.

We also offer “Advanced courses” and “Advanced Healing courses” for those who are interested.  The “Advanced courses” will help one to evolve in spiritual path. For taking Advanced courses, one must have completed Bhagavad Gita and the Level 1 in Breathing, Meditation & Grounding.

For additional details and help

Please check the links below for prerequisites and more information on the Basic and Advanced courses.

D2D Basic Courses

D2D Advanced Courses

Please Contact Us if you need any additional information.

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