Crossword accepts the word which is equal to number of letters. This doesn't mean the chosen word is correct.
Intersection letters can change based on new words entered.
If unsure about the word, use "Solve" button to get the key.
"Check puzzle" button is used to check for errors. This option can be used after filling each word or completing the entire crossword. The errors will be highlighted in red.
The recommended way of playing is to fill in the word and click on "Check puzzle" to ensure it is correct before working on the intersection words.
D2D Crossword Puzzle - 1 (basic puzzle)
This interactive crossword puzzle requires JavaScript and any
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Apple Safari. If you have disabled web page scripting, please re-enable it and refresh
the page. If this web page is saved on your computer, you may need to click the yellow Information Bar at the top or bottom of
the page to allow the puzzle to load.