Darshan2Divinity (D2D) – Compassion

What is a Bhajan?

Bhajan is singing with devotion about God usually as a group. It is an expression of Love towards God. Bhajan is a spiritual practice or sadhana for all who share the joy and steadfast love towards God. Bhajan is a way of expanding eternal values in our thoughts.

Why do we do Bhajans?

Bhajans establishes a divine connection with God through satsang (association with wise). When one is involved in singing about God, it helps them take their mind off from the regular state of flux. It helps one to relax, find peace within and be rejuvenated. Regular satsang trains our mind towards Godly nature.

How will Bhajans help us become one with God?

Yoga is to become one with God. Bhakti Yoga is union with God by singing glories about God. There are numerous saints who have become one with God by practicing Bhakti Yoga. Some of the notable saints are Meerabai, Surdas, Kabhirdas, Tyagarajar and Annamayya. Such is the importance of Bhakti Yoga that, several saints and God incarnations on earth explained in detail about Bhakti Yoga. In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shri Krishna lists out faithful practices of Bhakti Yoga, which will lead to immortality. Narada Bhakti Sutra is completely dedicated to talk about Bhakti Yoga.


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