Believe in Miracles
I’ve received a poster from my Guru “Believe in Miracles” days before I was going to go on India trip. At that time I did not know some true miracle is waiting to happen. That time it was just a message card. That time it was a message I heard several times from my Guru. But what happened in the following 3 weeks of India trip made the card message more relevant and meaningful to me. The message was clear enough from Divine that Miracles DO happen and I’m given a wonderful experience to believe.
It all started with my India trip. There were mainly two objectives of my India trip – Obtaining Visa stamping, perform ceremony to my mother. Both of them went so smoothly and without any hiccups. Divine has been through out during these two activities, which was really a great feeling. We didn’t worry about how things will go, instead Divine has taken care of all those. Once these activities are completed successfully, I was asked by Guru to perform Shashti Purthi for my father within 3 days. And I was asked to do it on my own without asking any questions. God creates some situations for me, through which I learn. I thought this is one of those situations. The Bhagavad Gita knowledge taught by several Gurus to me immensely helped in maintaining the composure and prepared me to plan for the event. Now I have been given a goal to achieve – perform the event.
So the immediate task is to get acceptance from my father, who traditionally believe in good time, star matching even while going to his office. So it is next to impossible to make him agree for this event within 7 days of my stay in my native town (but Divine has a different plan for me). It took me a good one full day to convince him to do in this short period. We have approached one of my father’s known astrologer friend, whom he firmly believes. He has given us 4 good muhurthas – 14th, 16th, 18th and 20th (all in May). And the current day was 12th. So doing the event in 2 days was straight away ruled out. 16th date was difficult too, but I kept it open. We have to do 5 major works – Book mandapam (for this 2-day event), book for the priest who does the pooja, Book nadhaswara team, arrange for catering and buy clothes. Since all these need to be done in priority, we planned to target mandapam first. May month is the auspicious months for marriages so all the mantapams were booked. So we immediately requested for booking in those three dates (16th, 18th, 20th). After a day of suspense we have got it booked for 18th (from 17th evening onwards thru 18th evening). Surprisingly – That was the only day the mandapam was available. And we parallely got confirmation from the priest that he is available only on 18th (again a coincidence). And now it is already 14th night. By that time we were sure the event will be on 18th, prepared the list of guests to be invited, prepared the list of clothes to buy, list of groceries to buy for the event. I was happy things started to move finally. Next day one more coincidence happened. The catering guy though booked through next week, was ready to cater us on 17th & 18th, which was like 50 degree cool air in 95 degree hot weather. Which is again a coincidence? I started to feel that 18th is something special. My father felt his astrologer friend’s muhoortham is good. But nevertheless 18th is a special day. This was followed by several other coincidences – Nadhaswaram team booked elsewhere accepted to do our event; all our relatives accepted and ready to attend, plex boards which usually take 1 day got completed in less than 4 hours; we had a hiccup with items to buy and clothes which got resolved automatically (someone else took the responsibility of buying). And finally the event was completed successfully. The goal has been accomplished.
Now I started to strongly feel all these are not coincidences but something else. At this time I remember one favorite quote of mine in my Guru’s house “Coincidence is the word God chooses to remain anonymous”. How true it was. Now the card given by my Guru made sense. It was like a missing piece of the puzzle has been filled by Divine. It was a miracle manifested through the blessings of Divine and my Guru. How else I would have felt other than enjoying the miracle happened in front of my eyes.
Now this number 18 has lot of significance in Bhagavad-Gita again coincidentally, the one I learnt for 18 weeks. Here are few that I read in a book:
Bhagavad-Gita chapters – 18
Total days Kurukshetra battle was fought – 18
Mahabharatha Parvas – 18
Total soldiers – 109350 – 18 (1+0+9+3+5+0)
Total horses – 65610 – 18 (6+5+6+1+0)
Total elephants – 21870 – 18 (2+1+8+7+0)
This incident has taught me lot of things. First and foremost it instilled a lot of confidence on me. Apart from that it taught that if you are – determined, focused on the goal, take help of Divine, be calm and do your duty then things will automatically line up for you. At the end, this incident has helped me a lot to improve. I must thank my Guru and the Divine for being with me throughout this event. Though I was working continuously, I felt so fresh and energetic each day during this event. This again showed how Divine helps us.- Venu
July 9th, 2011 at 4:40 PM
Dear Venu,
First of all, Congrats for the Visa and your father’s Shastiyaptha Purthi. Successfully arranging a event like Shastiyaptha Purthi within a week time is absolutely a miracle. It requires lot of effort and you would have been very busy. In all that, you were able to notice the things happening around you and see the presence of Guru and Divine. Thank you for sharing this article. Thanks for sharing the information on the significance of 18.
July 11th, 2011 at 4:56 PM
Dear Venu,
Congratulations on your dad’s Sashtiapthapurthi.
Wow! You have expressed your true self with the help of Divine, Guru & loved ones. When you did that you have accomplished a lot. You stood tall above the challenges infront of you. Not only that but you have inspired others on how to be their true self through this blog. Thank you very much!
Indeed Miracle DO Happen! All incidents in your blog re-iterate that.
The other interesting aspect i learnt from your blog was dedication and focus. If we have them as our friends; there is nothing that Ego could do to stop us.
The significance of the number 18 was nice; more so the way you have tried to relate it.
July 19th, 2011 at 3:06 PM
Dear Venu,
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Miracles happens. Believe in it.
“Believe in Miracles”. Your experience shows that all you have to do is to attempt and do your action. God aligns rest for you. The first step we take in the right direction is really the biggest miracle 🙂 Also there was work to do. A lot. But none appeared to be bothering in your mind. You did not allow it work on you. That was great. It would be nice for us to follow this in all walks of our life. Miracles are happening in our mind. How amazing!
July 20th, 2011 at 12:10 AM
Dear Venu,
Thank you for sharing “Believe in Miracles”. It reminds me of my experiences with miracles. Even I used to think miracles happens to others but all I had to do was work towards it and “Believe” and see miracles unfold. Again without our Guru we do not understand the beauty of it. Your blog will inspire everyone who reads it and make them “Believe in Miracles” as well.
– Priya