Darshan2Divinity (D2D) – Abstinence
What is fasting?
Fasting means “voluntary abstinence from consuming food for varying lengths of time.” Fasting is used as a therapy for several medical conditions. It is also a vital component of ritualistic and spiritual practices in many religions.
What are the benefits of fasting?
Fasting is not just abstaining from food but it also an attempt to instill positive thoughts. Many people use fasting as a means to fight against anger, lust, impatience and other negative tendencies. All Fasting (or) Vrats associated with Hindu religion is an attempt to realize the Brahman.
Fasting ensures detoxification and enables the body to rejuvenate its self-healing capabilities. Fasting is recommended in almost all religions as a means of spiritual purification. According to Hindu scriptures fasting helps create a harmonious relationship between the body and the soul. Hindus believe that denying physical needs is necessary for spiritual gains. Islam has given utmost importance for fasting. Muslims observe fasting during the month of Ramadan. Christians believe that fasting helps them to deepen their relationship with god. They also believe that fasting heightens their awareness of spiritual self. Jain religion strongly emphasizes on fasting to purify our souls, improve morality and spiritual power.
When we fast, the body uses stored sugar to help energy supply, reducing fat. Immune System gets boosted, hormonal levels are balanced. Liver converts stored fats to fulfill the supply of energy to brain and heart. At this stage the sensation of hunger vanishes and many people experience increased energy level. Ayurveda recommends regular, short-term fasting. Infrequent long term fasting vitiates doshas and may lead to imbalanced body functions.