Christmas Day
Christmas is a festival celebrating the birth of Lord Jesus Christ. It is observed on 25th December as a religious and cultural celebration around the world. The name ‘Christmas’ comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). A Mass service is where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life. So we get the name Christ-Mass, shortened to Christmas.
The birth of Jesus Christ
An angel called Gabriel appeared before Mary and said that she will beget a boy who will be named as Jesus. As prophesized, Mary became pregnant with the Holy Spirit. Mary was engaged to Joseph when she got pregnant. Knowing that Mary got pregnant with the Holy Spirit, Joseph married Mary. Once Mary and Joseph were travelling to Bethlehem and Mary’s baby was due to be born soon. On reaching Bethlehem they could not find a place to stay for the night. The only place they found was with the cattle. At late night, amidst the animals Lord Jesus was born. His birth was celebrated by the Angels appearing in the sky and singing the Glory of the Lord, shepherds who watched over their cattle during the long night and few wise men.
Significance of Christmas Day
Jesus is a son of God and a messenger of peace. He came to Earth to uplift the humanity from darkness towards a new era. The birth of such a Divine person, the Savior happened in humble ways. The birth of Lord Jesus is celebrated by remembering his birth story, singing carols, doing mass prayers at churches and exchanging gifts with family and friends. People place Christmas trees and decorate them with lights. Children act out plays describing the night that baby Jesus was born. Christmas is also celebrated for a Christian Saint named St. Nicholas. He was a very kind man and helped poor by giving them gifts. Nowadays he is remembered as Santa Claus who gives presents during Christmas.
Spiritual Significance of Christmas Day
There is deeper spiritual significance of Christmas. The period when Jesus was born, ignorance, superstition, greed, hatred and hypocrisy prevailed upon the land. The rulers were arrogant and unrighteous, the people were greedy and reckless. There was no morality. Amidst these darkness, Christ was born to make a transformation in the lives of people. These conditions of darkness before coming of Christ signify our own inner state. The inner state which pursues the material things, become a slave to the senses and living a life of lust, anger, greed, delusion, attachment, pride and jealousy. All these darkness will only lead to hatred and unhappiness in our lives. To be free from this darkness one must enter into a new life of spiritual aspiration, purity and devotion. The birth of Christ-Spirit in us is the real Christmas. All of us are Divine but the divinity is concealed by our desires. To manifest the Divinity, we need to live a Christ-life. If the Christ-life is to be lived, first of all, the child-Christ has to be born in us. When the first Divine urge happens in the form of spiritual aspiration and the recognition of the spiritual ideal then the baby Jesus is born within the seeker’s being. Then the living of the Christ-life happens when life is lead with Divine qualities like Purity, Faith in Divine, Compassion, Mercy, Love and Selflessness.
Also, the time and manner of the birth of Lord on Christmas day reveals another deep significance. Lord Jesus was not born in a grand palace or to wealthy parents. He was not born in full daylight with knowledge of all men. He was born at night in a simple place to a humble and poor parents. This signifies that for Jesus to be born within us, we should be perfectly humble. This is one of the indispensable fundamentals. With humility, we find simplicity, holiness and renunciation of all desires from worldly wealth and pride of learning. Empty thyself and I shall fill thee—is the Divine admonition of the Lord. Let us celebrate Christmas by emptying the darkness within us for Lord Jesus to be born within us.