


Pradosh Vrat, which is also known as Pradosham in South India, is observed to seek blessings of Lord Shiva. It is a day of fasting, worship and meditation. Pradosham literally means the removal of sins. It is believed that the energy during this time makes it easier to dissolve and release karma. Stories, prayers and rituals have been built around this time to help us better work with and understand the significance of these karma busting energies. Worshipping Lord Shiva on Pradosham will relieve us from sins and gives Moksha. Pradosham is a gift from the Universe to help speed our evolution and make our lives easier and happier. For those who wish to fast once a month, then observing the vrata on the Krishna Paksha Pradosham is helpful. The Pradosha day of the Krishna Paksha is considered the last day of the Krishna Paksha when the moon will help in one’s yoga. The Pradosha days of both pakshas are considered very auspicious for intensification of meditation. Offering Bael or Bilva leaves to Lord Shiva during this twilight period is regarded to be very fortunate. On the Trayodashi day during the evening twilight, Shiva and Parvati are in a good mood. Hence, all prayers and grants demanded by a sincere and loyal devotee are easily fulfilled.

Pradosham falls on the 13th day/tithi (Trayodashi) of the lunar fortnight (Paksha). Pradosh Vrat is observed on both Trayodashi Tithis, i.e. Shukla Paksha Trayodashi and Krishna Paksha Trayodashi, in lunar month.

When Pradosham day falls on Monday it is called Soma Pradosham, on Tuesday it is called Bhauma Pradosham and on Saturday it is called as Shani Pradosham. Among all the Pradosham vrats, the Soma Pradosham and Shani Pradosham are the most significant ones. There are three different energy levels to Pradosham depending on which day of the month that it occurs. Each energy level indicates how much karma may be released at that time.


The angels and demons in Ancient times joined together to try and get an elixir of immortality. They used a magical snake that volunteered to serve as a rope to churn a magical mountain in a magical ocean of milk. The angels pulled from the snake’s tail and demons pulled from the snake’s head. They worked very hard and were rewarded with many gifts that emerged from the ocean, including Goddess Lakshmi, who is the Hindu equivalent of Venus. Eventually the elixir emerged. However, fate turned the moment of victory into a terrible disaster. The snake was in so much pain from the constant pulling that it vomited poison just as the elixir emerged. The elixir and the entire area started burning from the poison. No one was able to stop the destruction so the angels and demons prayed for help. The story continues that Lord Shiva heard their prayers, gathered up the poison and swallowed it, saving the elixir along with everyone and everything. The poison only traveled half – way down Lord Shiva’s throat. His throat turned blue around the poison, as a reminder of what happened. Whoever prays Lord Shiva in that time, Lord Shiva fulfills their wishes and gives them mukthi.

Significance of Shani Pradosham

The larger energy level Pradosham occurs when Pradosham occurs on a Saturday. The planet Saturn is considered the Lord of Karma who delivers many of life’s tougher lessons to help refine and evolve the souls. On Shani Pradosham it is believed that Lord Shiva has more influence over Saturn and can cause Saturn to loosen or release entirely some of the karmic bonds that limit us.

Significance of Soma Pradosham

One of the names of Lord Shiva is Soma, Lord Someshwara means the one who adores the Crescent Moon (the Soma) on His matted hair. Soma means – Saha Uma (Goddess Parvathi). Somavara (Monday) is not only very auspicious for Lord Shiva but for Goddess Parvathi too. Hence offering poojas on all Monday Pradosham not only helps a person to gain abundant blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi but also enables a person to negate the malefic effects caused by Chandra Dosha (afflicted or debilitated Moon).

Spiritual Significance of Pradosham

The purpose of our human life is God realization. But Siddhas tell you that you can get to your life purpose only when your karma has been wiped clean, and the time is ripe for grace to flow to you. When that happens an intense flowering happens, and both the material and spiritual worlds open up for you. You have a choice then on the abundance that you are presented with. Whether you take the spiritual or material route, one thing is certain: you have to completely eliminate your karma to even get there. Pradosham rituals give a great opportunity to build a road to prosperity and true happiness. There are many levels of benefit from Pradosham. On the most immediate, practical level it is an opportunity to cleanse and release more of the karmic poisons that can limit our freedom and happiness. On a more esoteric level it is an opportunity to think about how the poisons of life, such as anger, jealously, attachment and self-centeredness, can destroy our peace and enjoyment. And how there is help from a higher source, especially if we ask.

The more we wash away these karmic impurities, the more we will experience inner peace, radiant health, and spiritual joy. As the subtle impurities are washed away, our true divine qualities will begin to emerge–qualities like kindness, compassion, honesty, and the desire to give selfless service to others.

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